water damage to north wall
Despite severe complications and major delays to the project caused by bats and Covid 19, the project neared completion in the first half of 2021.
A damaged rafter had caused major problems in 2020 as it could not be replaced until the carpenter obtained oak the right size, which the Covid 19 lockdown prevented him from doing for a while. Eventually this was resolved and roof rebuilding was continued.
Storms over the winter of 2020/2021 caused problems for the project, as damage was caused by water leakage as the roof awaited repair and re-tiling, and drainpipes and guttering were waiting to be replaced. The damp caused a large chunk of plaster above the organ to fall off. This needed to be replaced and repainted.

finishing touches
Gradually the various loose ends were tied up. In February the lead flashing on the vestry roof was fitted. The churchyard was tidied up and a new drain dug around the chancel. This 'French Drain' had been identified as a requirement at the very beginning of the project, but first the external scaffolding needed to be removed and the area cleared of rubble. Finally, the work needed to carried out as an archaeological excavation because of the extreme sensitivity of the area.